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Custom Service Work Order Templates

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Published/Modified on

January 2, 2024

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Every industry is different, with its own service and maintenance needs. When equipment breaks down or a facility asset needs immediate repair, the maintenance team needs a way to communicate the need to address the situation quickly. A work order ensures that a service provider has all the necessary details to complete their assignment correctly, whether scheduling preventive maintenance or requesting extensive equipment repair. A work order template organizes the format for subsequent orders.

What are Service Work Order Templates?

A work order, also known as a job order or service order, is a form that contains concise language and selection choices for a requester to quickly choose the needed repair and maintenance tasks, with space to add all the vital information regarding any specific instructions or requests. A custom service work order template is a parent outline that enables maintenance managers to create dedicated, job-specific work orders. Reliable work orders make it easier for staff to quickly put in a repair or maintenance request that clearly communicates maintenance operations needs regarding a particular asset or piece of equipment.

Why Customization Matters?

Industrial and commercial facilities have a lot of moving parts. Equipment and assets vary from business to business, so there are more efficient ways to communicate than a one-size-fits-all approach to job orders. Much is left to interpretation, and a new staff member may not understand how to fill out a basic work order template correctly. With custom work order template forms, you can add language and flow to the work order that helps guide staff in properly completing the form. Customization also lets you provide data points for software analysis and record tracking. 

Designing Custom Service Work Order Templates

A service work order template provides a framework for capturing all the necessary details of a commonly submitted work request. You may require more than one type of template for maintenance projects. For example, a preventive maintenance scheduling template would likely have a different layout than a landscaping work order template. 

Companies often use Excel to create free work order templates. An Excel work order template or other computerized form can speed up requests by enabling users to check boxes, select drop-down menu options, and type in request items. Electronic forms are simple to send across a computer network to the applicable department. When designing a form, include these key elements when creating custom work order forms.

Work Order ID

Also called a job or work order number, this element assigns a unique identifier to a specific job request. This identifier enables staff to track the status of a work request and the service date and serves as a reference for recordkeeping.

Company Branding

Also called a letterhead, a company name and logo at the top of a form make a work request easy to identify for third-party technicians. Letterhead branding is also an extremely easy and cost-effective way to spread name recognition for the company. Add the letterhead to your primary work order form template to ensure it gets passed on to every custom service ticket.

Service Description

A work order template should have space to write an explanation of the work that needs to be done. Depending on the facility element that needs to be addressed, a custom job ticket may have boxes to check with pre-selected maintenance or repair work or a box to write in text.

Provider Information

A space for provider name, contact info, and vendor ID simplifies work order tracking. This information also provides an excellent data point for work order software to analyze work order lifecycles and overall effectiveness.

Requester Information

Every maintenance or repair work order template should include the name or employee ID of the requester. This enables the provider to track this data point for their records and inform them on who to contact when the job is done — or if issues should arise.

Cost Estimates

A work order template for third-party service providers should include space for estimating labor and material costs. Maintenance management often prioritizes work requests based on need and overall cost. Estimated pricing and payment details give the organization useful information for weighing the cost of maintenance or repair against the necessity of the asset being addressed. This helps management utilize their maintenance team more effectively.

Materials and Resources

Necessary materials and equipment aren’t always readily apparent based on a service order’s requested repair or maintenance task. Therefore, a work order template should include spaces or boxes to list potentially necessary resources for the specific job.

Signature and Approval

Major, cost-intensive requests usually require management approval to proceed with repair or maintenance work. Every work order template should include space for authorized personnel to sign off on a job request. 

Best Practices for Custom Service Work Order Templates

Consistent practices in creating job tickets from a repair or maintenance work order template help to optimize the workflow and reduce requester and service provider errors. Follow these best practices to get the most from your work order template.

I. Use a standardized format

Every repair and maintenance work order template will share much of the same information. Ensure every work order template is laid out in the same pattern. For example, always keep the final authorization signature at the bottom right and the service provider information near the top. A consistent format between all service order templates ensures clarity and avoids confusion for both the requester and the service provider.

II. Be clear and concise

Use clear language, and use as few words as necessary in a maintenance work order template to convey relevant information. Lengthy instructions and extra words can muddy the message of the work order. One to two-word form fields and concise instructions communicate all the details needed for each work order item more effectively. 

III. Use automation platforms

While an Excel or free work order template will do the job, more specialized software empowers greater order tracking and maintenance management. A software platform such as ServiceChannel is a marvelous tool for automating service ticket creation. A good software solution enables you to house a variety of templates and makes it easy to create a new work order template as needed and export it into Microsoft Word or PDF format when you need to print a hard copy. By automating the creation and submission of job tickets, your organization can save time and improve work order accuracy. 

IV. Integrate checklists

Checkboxes and drop-down menus in computerized forms help make a work order template easier to navigate. Incorporating these mechanisms for commonly used work order items reduces user error and improves consistency across job tickets.

V. Add necessary attachments

Work order management software like ServiceChannel enables users to include sections into a job order template for attaching additional files. The more information you have in a service order, the more prepared the provider will be to complete the task quickly and effectively. Attaching supporting documents, photographs, and reference materials goes a long way in helping the provider complete the needed repair or maintenance task.

Integration with ServiceChannel Software

With a robust software solution, your company can create work order templates for any repair or maintenance situation. The right software also lets you easily create, submit, and track service tickets, reducing errors while increasing efficiency. 

The ServiceChannel facilities management platform can help your business streamline its work order management processes. Request a demo today.

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