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Integrated Facilities Management

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Published/Modified on

December 19, 2022

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Integrated facilities management, or IFM, centers around keeping the operational processes and productivity of an organization running. This means companies can save time and money by using one vendor for maintenance while utilizing uniform billing processes. Using insights that are data-driven, organizations can pair their processes with experiences for a continuous improvement process throughout the organization.

Benefits of Integrated Facilities Management

There are many benefits of having an integrated facilities management solution:

Increased Efficiency

With operations being streamlined under one vendor, organizations will be able to take advantage of an improved response time because everyone works cohesively by sharing best practices across the company. This also enhances better team management and improved decision-making. If everyone knows what their responsibilities are and how they can work together, this reduces risk and helps with efficiency.

Improved Visibility

By using facilities management software, the visibility of the operation is enhanced and improved through shared data, analytics, management of resources, and reporting. With proper integration, activities and processes are only done once, streamlining operations.

Reduced Operating Costs

With a single provider, costs are reduced. Lower costs for operations occur when one solution is used due to consolidation. If the company has more than one facility, this helps because there is only one payment and one solution handling everything instead of multiple vendors and multiple costs. Through IFM, organizations can determine where their money is being wasted, too much is being spent, and where processes are not being managed effectively.

Holistic View of the Business

Managers will realize how the entire operation is working because they have a centralized space where systems and processes can be managed. Utilizing cloud-based software that can be accessed in-house or on a mobile device, staff and management can handle more and work within a simplified process.

Implementing IFM in Your Business


Operations will change once an organization makes the switch to IFM. Organizations must use best practices within the industry by doing research. Talking to consultants and IFM vendors can provide insight. Doing research internally also helps determine how teams across the organization operate. Once you identify inefficiencies, you will be better able to move forward.

Establish Clear Goals

What do you wish to accomplish? There should be clear goals and KPIs to help deliver data on how the IFM implementation is progressing. The data you use can help now and in the future with what needs to be changed, which processes need to be defined or redefined, and how to address any conflicts. Documented procedures are key in this area.

Clear Communication

Organizations that have communication plans with goals to complete are essential to a transition. By interviewing employees, having meetings, and focus groups, the company will have beneficial information for implementation. There must be clear lines of communication throughout the company (including stakeholders) for this to work.

Use Your Resources

For an effective implementation, the resources you use make a dramatic difference. Using the best technology is key to building a strong foundation. Integration is the focal point here and using solutions that bring everything under one platform. All systems and processes must be managed under one infrastructure to have a better picture of the different responsibilities within facilities management.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of integrated facilities management?

Organizations with IFM have an all-in-one solution that covers processes, service, maintenance, repair, and other components to streamline the organization. This is especially advantageous to companies that do not want to handle these services or incur the overhead costs of in-house personnel. Overall, the administration is easier than having multiple providers for different functions. Finally, IFM is cost-effective with one contract that meets the conditions of your budget.

What are the 4 factors being integrated in facility management according to IFMA?

The four factors that are key in integrated facilities management according to IFMA are:

  • Technology creativity: Creative solutions are important and help organizations move beyond the norm to brand out into new and innovative ways to do things. Three areas critical to success in this area are having an open mind to recognize opportunities; putting a premium on human traits, understanding people are just as important as technology; and using effective solutions that will keep the people who work for your organization, and the assets being used safe.
  • Compassion: Compassion is needed to understand the struggles and frustrations going on within the workplace. The goal is to address every need, not just have it outlined in a document. Working with a mindset of health and safety for everyone helps make this a reality.
  • Adaptability: Software is tech-based, but your team must be flexible in the evolution of the business to adapt to productivity and culture in any situation. This requires shifting roles and support of being flexible to create memorable experiences that translate into better productivity with employees.
  • Data-driven mindsets: Using data to identify where the company can improve, identify cost-cutting measures, and other evolutionary aspects of the company helps with the transition.

What is integrated facility management?

Consolidating all the processes and functions of the organization’s facility management under one platform and a team of outsourced experts. This also helps top management and the facility leaders improve the levels of communication to make informed decisions.

What are the 3 main tasks of integrated facilities management?

Establishing processes that provide consistency through planning and implementation, providing support for the people that work for the organization, and the integration of technology that will help better understand the workplace and improve processes.

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