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Facilities Manager and Service Provider

Boost Service and Savings With Provider Network Opportunities

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Published/Modified on

March 27, 2024

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See which providers could deliver on your biggest opportunities.

When you spend as much as 80% of your budget on external providers, the potential to save 30% with better vendors is a game-changer. Now in Provider Search, you’ll see a ranking of your opportunities to improve cost and performance by working with the best mix of providers.

Now available
How it works 
Frequently asked questions 

Now available  

  • Added features!  Network opportunities: Proactively identify where you can get faster, higher-quality, more cost-effective service from top providers directly in Provider Search.* 

How it works

Truly strategic sourcing is possible when you use actual performance data to optimize your provider network. By improving the speed of service in key trades like plumbing and electrical, you can eliminate the long wait times that frustrate your operations team.

With network opportunities in ServiceChannel, we rank your potential cost savings and service quality improvements every month, based on the latest performance data from all providers on ServiceChannel. Now you can continually monitor the health of your network and see which providers will give you optimal results.

Just visit Provider Search to see at a glance where you have the most room to improve and which providers are the best fit without having to crunch the numbers yourself. You can filter all your opportunities based on location or trade and sort by savings, quality, engagement, speed, and other factors that matter the most to you.

Use network opportunities to:

  • Find your weak spots: See exactly how much you could save and improve service by switching to proven, higher-quality providers. Your network opportunities are based on unprecedented performance and pricing data from more than 70,000 providers over 220 million work orders on the ServiceChannel Platform.
  • Identify the best providers for your needs: See how much impact each provider has on your performance scores and costs. Then view the provider’s profile to see how their capabilities and metrics fit your goals.
  • Test new providers quickly: Effortlessly invite providers, review compliance, assign work, and monitor progress — all in one place. Your opportunities are optimized every month, so you can regularly swap out underperforming providers with better ones across all your locations.

See your network opportunities in Provider Search

See all your network opportunities ranked your way

Monitor your progress in one place

* Price Scores are only available for provider work performed in the U.S. Links to Provider Search will only be visible if the Provider Search feature is enabled in your account.

Frequently Asked Questions

How is the ServiceChannel Marketplace different from other ways of sourcing vendors?

The ServiceChannel Service Provider Marketplace is different than other sourcing methods in three key ways:  

  • Objective performance scores. With Marketplace data, you can make confident sourcing decisions, because all providers are scored using the same objective KPIs. You can compare their results and see their actual performance for other clients like you. 
  • Unbiased rankings. Providers cannot pay to be promoted ahead of others. The only way for a provider to be discovered in the Marketplace is by delivering services to existing clients on the ServiceChannel Platform. 
  • Direct relationships. ServiceChannel is not a middleman between you and your providers. Providers sourced from the Marketplace work for you directly, so you can build long-term, strategic relationships. 

How do you measure provider performance?

Provider performance is evaluated across four key dimensions of service: Speed, Quality, Price, and Engagement Scores. Each score is calculated from a weighted set of KPI inputs and is updated monthly.

The scores and metrics in Provider Search Network Opportunities align directly with those in your Contractor Scorecard. 

How do you estimate the potential cost savings from network opportunities?

By comparing the typical invoice prices across providers for the same work, trades, and geography, and combining that with your historical invoice volume, we calculate the potential cost savings you could realize by switching providers. Our analysis shows that the estimates are strong indicators of actual results.

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