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ServiceChannel 2012 User Group at PRSM

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Published/Modified on

April 16, 2012

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With over 100+ attendees, this was our largest group ever: ServiceChannel 2012 User Group at PRSM! We had a full agenda and lots of new, exciting updates including our move to the “cloud” as well as the introduction of inGEAR – our new business intelligence service. Big thanks to Shelly Stevens from WALMART for her presentation of some of the new dashboards/reports we’ve worked with her on which will be rolled out to the rest of our clients soon. We hope everyone found the groups informative. We’re considering doing them more frequently throughout the year (perhaps regionally). Thoughts?
Later that night was an great cocktail party up on the terrace at Catal in Downtown Disney. It was a beautiful night and the wine, conversation and hummus was flowing.


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