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Turning the Facilities Management Dial to 11

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Published/Modified on

December 14, 2023

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We all know that old adage that “time flies” (especially when you’re having fun).  And we’ve been having so much fun that we almost forgot that this week notes the one-year anniversary of our involvement with ServiceChannel.  A lot has changed, but a quite a bit has stayed the same, so we offer up this one year retrospective (at least from our perspective).  We’d love to hear yours as well, so please don’t be bashful about letting us know what you think.

First, and most importantly – thanks to all of you: namely our customers, contractors, suppliers and other partners.  And special thanks to our employees.  Most often, change isn’t easy, especially when it happens to you – and we’ve certainly strived to change a few things – always with the intention (and mostly with the result) for the better, so we totally appreciate your patience, understanding and collaboration in the midst of our “first-year” efforts to improve.

The More Things Change…

So, a few things that have changed.  We obviously came to ServiceChannel with excitement and optimism to further develop the industry’s leading facility management software solution and help the company grow to better serve its “market.”  The addition of capital to spur that growth resulted in a near-doubling of headcount this year, with most of that coming in engineering, product management and customer care – as we want to accelerate our ability to deliver new and valuable capabilities.

ServiceChannel neighbor: Breads Bakery

We also invested in a new office – more modern, and designed for open collaboration (again, the intention here is better communication, teamwork, and speed).  By the way, if you are ever in NY, please come visit us in our new digs, if for no other reason than we are one floor above one of the finest bakeries in the city.

Finally, we’ve added more modern infrastructure and systems to allow us to both better serve you with more advanced, more reliable and more scalable tools, as well as to better track our commitments and accountability along the way.  It’s all part of evolving to a more modern, predictable and scalable enterprise software company that you can keep depending on as you grow.

The More Things Stay the Same

There are a few extremely important things that we have tried to preserve.  One of the most impressive things about ServiceChannel when we were first introduced to the company was its almost maniacal focus on customers – that’s just something you can’t fake, and something you don’t see everywhere, so we have tried our absolute best to protect and even extend that part of the culture.

And as we continue to grow, it is important to all of us that we keep our entrepreneurial edge and creativity so we can drive the innovation necessary to stay ahead of the game.  Steven and Serge, in particular, have spearheaded that philosophy, and we’ve made sure that they, and others, have more than ample time and resources to work on “the next great things” as well as the current great things.

Turning Facilities Management to "11"

So, we enter our “Year Two” (yes, we realize that your relationship with ServiceChannel is likely much longer than that!) with continued optimism and excitement.  The company has never been as strongly resourced to serve you as it is today, and has never been in a better position to execute on our vision and roadmap.

Speaking of the vision, stay tuned to an upcoming blog post where we touch on that a bit more – this one is getting long enough – and we’d also like to spend a little time discussing where years two, three and four might take us.

Thanks again – and we’d really appreciate any feedback you’d like to share.

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