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Tom Buiocchi, middle aged man standing for headshot portrait picture in blue striped buttoned shirt

What Can Machine Learning Do For Facilities Managers?

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Published/Modified on

December 19, 2022

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It’s incredible to see the strides of innovation within the facilities management industry. From the traditional pen-and-paper workflow to service automated software, one can only ask, where will we be next?

In a recent episode of the IoT Time Podcast, ServiceChannel’s CEO and facilities industry leader Tom Biuocchi discusses machine learning, Internet of Things (IoT) and predictive maintenance – and what it means for the facilities management industry. 

Tom Buiocchi

Proactive Technology

Tom emphasizes the fact that we are at a point where new technologies are monitoring themselves and are proactive and predictive enough to alert you in advance when things happen. He illustrates with this example:

“When my printer is running out of ink, it tells me…and now printers can actually order their own ink to replace the ink for you at your home or office. We are going to get the same type of functionality in HVAC equipment, electrical equipment, elevators….you are going to see a lot more technology enabled services to maintain those assets.”

The FM industry is currently dealing with a lot of legacy applications and equipment that needs to be retrofitted.  Tom further explains that this is just the beginning for the facilities management industry, since IoT is coming further into play. The podcast’s host, Ken Briodagh added:

“The advantage of IoT lies is in taking many many moving pieces, many complexities, and looking for the pattern to make the execution of these processes simpler.”

To hear the full conversation on the state of the Facilities Management industry and how new emerging technologies will impact it, listen here:

IoT Time Podcast S.2 Ep.37 ServiceChannel

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