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What is the Value of ServiceClick’s Data?

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Published/Modified on

July 26, 2012

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By Siddarth Shetty

ServiceChannel is, at its essence, a technology platform. And what makes ServiceChannel so powerful is over 12 years of unmanipulated service history data stored in ServiceClick. In the aggregate, this information provides us with unique insights and perspectives which enable us to make intelligent decisions on what we need to do to make our clients’ departments better, increase compliance, savings and, most importantly, help them improve service to all of their stores.

InGEAR, our business intelligence tool, provides us with operational, tactical and strategic reporting capabilities so we can enable our facility manager clients and other departments to monitor department performance with dashboard style reporting as well as leverage scorecards to increase compliance within the team and for all of their partners.

We’re adding on to our business intelligence reporting functionality:
We’ve been serving the facilities management industry for many years and our management team comes from all different parts of the retail facilities management industry. With our added expertise in business process and data analytics, we offer an invaluable service to our clients.

Our main goal is to work with our clients, take their data, look at it, analyze it and help them understand how to present the data in a sensible way for them to act upon. If you look at data or a report and you can’t take action, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the report is bad. It just means that the report is not telling you what you need to see, in a way you need to see it.

Your data is the most powerful valuable resources you have as management. Are you using it effectively? How is your data helping you make key decisions right now? Is it being transformed into user-friendly business intelligence reports?

Please add your public comments below, or e-mail me (Siddarth Shetty) privately.

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