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Preventive Maintenance Compliance

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Published/Modified on

May 19, 2024

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What is Preventive Maintenance Compliance?

Preventive Maintenance Compliance (PMC) measures how consistently and effectively a facility adheres to its preventive maintenance (PM) schedule within its preventive maintenance program. It indicates the degree to which scheduled maintenance activities are completed on time. This key performance indicator (KPI) is crucial in facilities management. It directly impacts equipment reliability, safety, and longevity by regularly servicing machinery and systems to prevent unexpected equipment breakdowns and costly repairs.

Implementing Preventive Maintenance Compliance

To effectively implement preventive maintenance compliance, facilities:

  • Define Clear Metrics: Establish what specific aspects of maintenance compliance will be measured, such as the percentage of tasks completed on time, adherence to critical maintenance protocols, or effectiveness of maintenance in preventing equipment failures. This will be your preventive maintenance strategy.
  • Set Targets: Based on historical data and business objectives, set realistic and challenging compliance targets for the maintenance team to achieve in their preventive maintenance schedule.
  • Use Technology: Implement preventive maintenance software or a CMMS to track maintenance activities accurately and provide real-time data for monitoring this KPI in your maintenance processes.
  • Regular Review and Adaptation: Review the compliance rates regularly and delve deeper into the causes of non-compliance maintenance practices. Based on these insights, adapt the preventive maintenance strategies to improve the effectiveness of the program.
  • Integrate with Other KPIs: Combine preventive maintenance compliance with other KPIs such as overall equipment effectiveness (OEE), mean time between failures (MTBF), and mean time to repair (MTTR) for a comprehensive view of maintenance and operational efficiency.

How is Preventive Maintenance Compliance calculated

Preventive Maintenance Compliance is calculated by comparing the number of preventive maintenance tasks completed on schedule to the total number of preventive maintenance tasks due to be completed in a given period. The formula is expressed as a percentage:

  1. Count the Total Number of Scheduled Preventive Maintenance Tasks (TPMT) within the period.
  2. Determine the Number of Preventive Maintenance Tasks Completed On Time (CPMT).
  3. Divide the number of tasks completed on time by the total number of scheduled tasks.
  4. Multiply the result by 100 to obtain the percentage.

The formula to calculate PM compliance is:

PM Compliance = (Number of Preventive Maintenance Tasks Completed On Time / Total Scheduled Preventive Maintenance Tasks) x 100

For example, if there were 100 preventive maintenance tasks scheduled for a month and 90 of these were completed on time, the PMC would be:

PMC % = 90/100 X 100 = 90%

How Preventive Maintenance Compliance is Used: Practical Examples

Preventive Maintenance Compliance is used in several practical ways:

  • Maintenance Planning: This helps assess the effectiveness of the maintenance schedule and planning.
  • Resource Allocation: Informs managers if additional resources are needed to meet maintenance schedules.
  • Equipment Uptime: A high preventive maintenance compliance score usually correlates with higher equipment uptime and availability.
  • Cost Management: Effective PMC can reduce maintenance costs by lowering the number of expensive reactive maintenance tasks.

For example, a data center might use PMC to ensure that their cooling systems are regularly serviced to prevent overheating, which could lead to server equipment failure, equipment downtime, and significant data loss.

Ways to Improve Preventive Maintenance Compliance

Improving PMC is crucial for any facility that relies on machinery and equipment. Here are some strategies to enhance PMC:

  • Maintenance Scheduling Tools: Use computerized maintenance management systems (CMMS) to schedule and track maintenance tasks.
  • Employee Training: Ensure maintenance staff are properly trained on the importance of preventative maintenance and how to execute tasks efficiently.
  • Clear Communication: Develop clear communication channels to ensure maintenance staff are aware of any upcoming PM tasks and any changes to the schedule.
  • Resource Availability: Ensure that all necessary resources, including parts and labor, are available when needed.
  • Incentives and Accountability: Implement incentive programs to encourage staff to complete preventive maintenance tasks on time and hold them accountable for compliance.
  • Continuous Improvement: Regularly review and adjust preventive maintenance schedules based on equipment performance and maintenance data.

For instance, a manufacturing plant could improve its preventive maintenance compliance score by implementing a CMMS that alerts maintenance personnel when preventive maintenance tasks are due and tracks completion, ensuring that tasks are less likely to be overlooked or delayed.

Preventive maintenance compliance (PM compliance) is a key performance indicator (KPI) in facilities management that reflects adherence to preventive maintenance schedules. A high preventive maintenance compliance rate indicates a well-maintained facility with potentially fewer breakdowns of critical equipment and regular maintenance disruptions. By improving PM compliance, facility maintenance teams can achieve more reliable operations and better cost efficiency.

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