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Invoice promptly to get paid fast

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Published/Modified on

March 10, 2024

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Invoice within 10 days of completing a work order.

We appreciate the great work you do, and you deserve to get paid promptly. ServiceChannel streamlines the process — providers report as much as 50% shorter time to get paid by their ServiceChannel customers.

Of course, prompt payment depends first and foremost on prompt invoicing. Timely invoicing not only ensures you get paid faster. It also allows your customers to plan and budget, fostering stronger relationships and ensuring more work for you. As a best practice, invoice within 10 days of completing a work order.

Are you missing payments?

Keep close tabs of what’s outstanding to avoid delays. Do a regular check to identify any completed work orders that may not have been invoiced. 

Instructions for finding completed work orders not yet invoiced

Step 1
Login to your Provider Automation account.
From the Home page, click the Work Orders tab.

Step 2
On the left panel of the Work Orders page, click FILTER BY.

From the Call Date dropdown menu, choose Completed Date, then select the desired date range.

Step 3
Scroll down to the Status dropdown menu. Select COMPLETED.

In the Extended Statuses dropdown, select CONFIRMED and check the Exclude Invoiced Calls box.

Click Apply to view aged invoices.

Top tips to speed approval and avoid delays

  • Submit one invoice per work order.
  • Always submit invoices through the ServiceChannel platform.
  • Check that your invoices are within the Not to Exceed (NTE) amount. Remember, customers reserve the right to refuse invoices for work that was not approved in advance.
  • Include all required details and make sure you understand and comply with any customer requirements for invoicing.
  • Review your completed work orders regularly to identify any not yet invoiced.
  • Invoices aged more than 90 days since completion may be ineligible for billing.

Learn more about invoicing in ServiceChannel University.

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